My Story

Mother and child reading memory book on bed


I’m Alana, a proud Mum to two very active wildlings, and a creative at heart...

I created these memory books for many reasons. First, to squash that nagging Mum guilt over those pesky baby books (I could feel those empty pages giving me the stink eye from the cupboard). I also wanted to flex my creative muscles and put those hundreds (ahem, thousands) of pics on my phone to good use, all while reliving the hilarious, heartwarming, and unforgettable moments that would have otherwise been lost in time.

As I'm sure you understand, being a mama bear means juggling a million tasks at once, from keeping the house in order to crushing it at work, all while trying to cherish every moment with my little wild ones before they grow up too fast!

When my daughter was little we would lay down for our daily nap-time ritual, but my mind would always race with a million things I had yet to check off my to-do list. As much as I adored those hours of sleepy snuggles, I couldn't help but yearn for something more productive - or if I was dreaming big... creative - that I could do during those sacred naps instead of mindlessly scrolling through social media…

One ridiculously early morning - like clock work - my baby woke me up for milk then drifted back to sleep leaving me wide awake. My brain took advantage of this situation and started racing through my endless to-do list which went something like this…

“I've got to tackle the laundry, prep some food, clean the bathrooms, hang out the clothes, reply to that email, and... oh and I can't forget to update the baby book!”...

Mother and baby standing on beach looking out at ocean

But let's face it, finding time to hunt down the perfect pictures, head to the store alone, print, trim, paste, and write was just a fantasy. Those lonely baby books would continue to give me the stink-eye.

But at that moment an idea popped into my head - my phone is almost always with me (don't judge!), I create templates and catalogues for a living (I'm a graphic designer by trade) Plus, Canva's a total breeze to use and it's accessible to everyone.... So, why not put my talents and tech to good use and create a product that'll gift Mums worldwide with more time, less guilt, and a creative outlet whilst capturing those priceless memories?

And so I did. And just like that, Wildfolk Memory Books was born :)

I sincerely hope these books bring you loads of joy! If you have any questions, feedback, or just need to let off some steam about the ridiculous demands of modern-day life and the insane pressure on mums to be superheroes, I'm all ears!